Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beale AFB Air Show

Ever since Jacob could talk all he has wanted to do is fly "big jets". So my dad, who was an Air Force Pilot and flew the F4 Phantom (which by the way is a relic now a days), my mom, Sam, Jacob and I went to the Beale AFB air show last weekend to see airplanes. He was on overload and had to tell every person in a uniform that he wanted to be a pilot and fly "big jets". My dad bought each of the boys an F4 plane pin for their hats which they wear proudly. Toward the end of the afternoon as we were getting ready to leave we walked by a P51. My mom pointed out that that is one of the model airplanes that my dad has on his dresser. The one that Jacob loves to hold and stroke. Jacob stops mid stride looks at the airplane and with his hand on his chin says in a really serious voice " I bet I could drive that". We laughed and told him that someday he will.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oedipal phase

My family was driving home a couple of days ago when Sam said to me "Momma, you have to many boys you need to have more babies." Meaning I need to have baby girls. I laughed at the statement and told him that I loved my boys and I was happy with them and that when he and Jacob grew up they would marry and have babies of their own. Sam immediately said "Momma, I'm going to marry you and have babies." I could not help but smile and Keith got a good chuckle out of it.